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 Home > Bảng tin > Thời thơ ấu của Lee Ha Ryong
Thời thơ ấu của Lee Ha Ryong

URL : http://www.migrantok.org/vietnam/viewtopic.php?t=457
Welcome from the Director 

 I am delighted to welcome you to the Korea Support Center for Foreign Workers site.

 Korea Support Center for Foreign Workers is a place for all foreigners residing in Korea. We are a non-profit, independent body, set up to provide support to the foreign workers in areas ranging from education to counselling with the support of the Government.

 We aim to support and advocate for the improved economic, social and cultural opportunities of people from all cultural backgrounds during your stay in Korea.

 We welcome all foreign workers and provide help in any area from everyday problems to legal issues in their own tongue.

 At Korea Support Center for Foreign Workers, we also provide support to ensure timely payment of wages, and furthermore in a wide range of cases some of which include changes in the work place, issues related to immigration, emigration and residence in Korea, and participation in the accident compensation insurance. We strive to promote the rights of foreign workers and to protect and remedy them.

 I would like to invite you to take advantage of various self-development courses we offer, some of which include Korean language and IT classes.

 We aim to bring together the communities to raise awareness about the benefits of cultural and productive diversity.

 Korea Support Center for Foreign Workers will continue to provide our utmost support for you to make your stay in Korea enjoyable.

 Thank you.

 Haryong Lee


Korea Support Center for Foreign Workers

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KMcenter 137-1 Garibong 1 Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul. TEL:02-6900-8002 FAX : 02-6900-800141 E-mail : info@migrantok.org
Copyright by 2004 MigrantWorkers Center in Korea. All right, reserved. Representative : Son Jong Ha
Supported by ONTOIN