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 No new posts ЭҲТИЁТ БЎЛИНГ: On-line ФИРИБГАР  Admin 4882 2008/01/30
 No new posts Ta’lim dasturlarining yangi semestriga qabuli boshlandi.  Admin 3702 2008/01/07
 No new posts O`zbekiston xalqiga yangi yil tabrigi  Admin 4508 2008/01/02
 No new posts Koreys tili kursi boshlanmoqda  Admin 3466 2007/12/26
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 No new posts 2008 yildan boshlab 1 soatlik eng kam ish haqi oshmoqda  Admin 3763 2007/12/20
 No new posts 2007 yil ohiri bayram tadbiri  Admin 3664 2007/12/20
 No new posts Osiyo migrantlari musiqa festivali  Admin 3534 2007/12/20
 No new posts Korea rated No. 1 in e-government rankings: report  Admin 3404 2007/03/29
 No new posts Major cultural and tourist festivals to be held in Korea in October  Admin 4332 2007/03/29
 No new posts Korean couples to give parents about 137,000 won in Chuseok gift  Admin 3268 2007/03/29
 No new posts Korea's foreign minister wins crucial poll in U.N. chief race  Admin 3038 2007/03/29

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